Our society aims to always be in the centre of innovation of the legal area and to actively participate in the development of law. In this context, the firm, as well as our lawyers have been involved in diverse projects in the area of Law.
Workshops and Conferences
- Aspects of Constitutional Nature of Service Pension. In 2011, our society has organised a conference, with the participation of the law practitioners in which the effects and constitutionality of the legislation that has entered into force at the moment and which was aimed at the service pensions have been debated.
- IT Law. In 2013 and 2014, our society has organized a series of workshops on themes such as cyber-law, based on the intellectual property over the software, protection of the idea and up to the legal aspects of the cloud computing.
- GDPR. How do we prepare for the entry into force? In April 2018, our society has organised a workshop on the Regulation concerning the protection of personal data theme and on the measures that any company must take in order to comply with it. More details at
Pro Bono Representation
The lawyers within out firm, members of the Cluj Advocacy are members of the ACTEDO network, which supports through the Pro Bono Network for Human Rights the people in need, through legal means. Equally, our firm has offered and is constantly offering free legal assistance to those who need a lawyer for the protection of their fundamental rights and can’t afford top-shelf services.
The lawyers within „Chiriță și Asociații” have participated in the drafting of over 20 books in the area of Law. Many other projects of this type are on-going.
- Răspunderea penală a persoanei juridice, Ed. Rosetti, Bucureşti,
- Ordonanţa Guvernului 2/2001 privind regimul juridic al contravenţiilor comentată şi adnotată, Ed. Sfera Juridică, Cluj Napoca
- Convenţia europeană a drepturilor omului. Comentarii şi explicaţii, Ed. C.H. Beck, Bucureşti, vol. I
- Răspunderea penală a persoanei juridice. Ediţia a II-a revăzută şi completată, Ed. C.H. Beck, Bucureşti
- Convenţia europeană a drepturilor omului. Comentarii şi explicaţii, Ed. C.H. Beck, Bucureşti, vol. II
- Curtea europeană a drepturilor omului. Culegere de hotărâri pe anul 2002, Ed. C.H. Beck, Bucureşti
- Curtea europeană a drepturilor omului. Culegere de hotărâri pe anul 2003, Ed. C.H. Beck, Bucureşti
- Curtea europeană a drepturilor omului. Culegere de hotărâri pe anul 2004, Ed. C.H. Beck, Bucureşti
- Curtea europeană a drepturilor omului. Culegere de hotărâri pe anul 2005, Ed. C.H. Beck, Bucureşti
- Curtea europeană a drepturilor omului. Culegere de hotărâri pe anul 2006, Ed. C.H. Beck, Bucureşti
- Dreptul la un proces echitabil, Ed. Universul Juridic
- Curtea europeană a drepturilor omului. Culegere de hotărâri pe anii 1950-2001, Ed. C.H. Beck, Bucureşti
- Convenţia europeană a drepturilor omului. Comentarii şi explicaţii. Ediţia II, Ed. C.H. Beck
- Analiza actelor normative privind minorităţile naţionale în România, în L. Salat (editor), Politici de integrare a minorităţilor naţionale din România, Ed. CRDE
- Regimul juridic al contravenţiilor. O.G. nr. 2/2001 comentată, Ed. Hamangiu, Bucureşti
- The applicants’ perspective – Lack of information and lack of legal aid, în volumul E. Lambert (coord.) Preventing and sanctioning hindrances to the right of individual petition before the European Court of Human Rights, Ed. Intersentia, Antwerpen
- Jurisprudenţa relevanţă a Curţii Constituţionale pe 2009, Ed. Hamangiu, Bucureşti
- Pierderea proprietatii in favoarea statului. Jurisprudenta C.E.D.O., Ed. Hamangiu
- Dreptul de acces la o instanta. Jurisprudenta C.E.D.O., Ed. Hamangiu, Bucuresti
- Discriminarea in jurisprudenta C.E.D.O., Ed. Hamangiu, Bucuresti
- Arestarea si detentia in jurisprudenta CEDO, Ed. Hamangiu, Bucuresti
- Dreptul la viaţă privată şi de familie. Jurisprudenţa CEDO, Ed. Hamangiu, Bucureşti